Scrunches are the newest trend in the fashion industry. How could they not be? Scrunchies are fun, stylish, nostalgic and a great accessory. There's no need to spend money on scrunchies, when you can make your own, or make matching scrunchies for looks you are designing or reproposing.
1f you don't want to make your set, you can always purchase our scrunchies, available here.
Lets get into how to make your sustainable scrunchies!
Materials Needed:
•Straps Scrap Fabric
• Safety Pin
Step one:
Cut your scrap fabric into straps of your choosing. The size we choose was 4" by 20", the standard size. If you want a bigger scrunchie, increase your wide. Example: 6" by 20"
Step 2:
Sew your straps on the longest side.
Step 3:
Use a safety pin and turn your strap right side out.
Step 4:
Thread your elastic in and sew along your elastic making it a circle.
Step 5:
Hand sew your srunchie making it look like a seam.
Step 6:
Test it out and Enjoy!